+55 (62) 3282-9920

+55 (62) 3271-9019

+55 (62) 3271-9020


Av. Elmar Arantes Cabral
Qd.07 | Lts. 34/36
Pq Ind. Vice-Presidente José de Alencar.
Aparecida de Goiânia - GO

Horário de atendimento
Segunda - Sexta  8:00 - 17:00hs


Transversal Movement GUARANTEED ECONOMY Transversal Tilt: Reduces hospitalization time and prevents injuries. Total Protection: Due to the higher protection rails, it prevents falls. Technology: Thanks to the Cyberbed® and BedMonitor® system, our beds monitor the patient’s fall risk and diagnose potential malfunctions.
Registered Product: 80581990009Consult Anvisa

SKU: 3366 Categories: ,

The High-Tech Diamond Hospital Bed | Transversal Tilt

MT 233 Diamond Intensive Care: High-Tech Diamond Hospital Bed

  • Enhanced Lateral Positioning: The advanced lateral positioning system of the Diamond MT-233 hospital bed ensures effortless and secure patient adjustments, promoting the prevention of pressure ulcers while optimizing caregiver ergonomics for improved efficiency and comfort.
  • Exceptional Comfort: Engineered with an ergonomic design and crafted from high-quality materials, this hospital bed delivers superior comfort, essential for ensuring patient well-being during extended hospital stays.
  • Enhanced Safety: Equipped with sturdy side rails and precise adjustment mechanisms, the Diamond MT-233 model ensures patient safety by significantly reducing the risk of falls.
  • Ease of Use: Intuitive and easily accessible controls enable quick and precise adjustments, making this hospital bed an ideal choice for a wide range of treatments and patient care needs.
  • Durability and Quality: Designed with high-strength, durable materials, the Diamond MT-233 hospital bed is a reliable choice for healthcare facilities seeking long-lasting, long-lasting solutions.
Cama Hospitalar de Alta Tecnologia

Max. Load

270 Kg Patient | 300 Kg Total

Applications of the Lateral Feature in Hospital Beds

The High-Tech Hospital Bed is ideally suited for hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Its advanced lateral feature enhance healthcare professionals’ efficiency while improving the patient experience, particularly for those with limited mobility or requiring specialized care.

High-Tech Hospital Beds: Why Choose One?

  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Integrating the latest advancements in hospital technology, the Diamond MT233 bed delivers an exceptional experience for both patients and caregivers.
  • Versatility: Engineered to meet a comprehensive range of medical needs, from intensive care to post-operative recovery.
  • Technical Support and Maintenance: Our specialized team provides comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure your hospital bed remains in optimal working condition at all times.

Contact Us

For more information about the Diamond MT-233 Hospital Bed with Lateral Tilt, feel free to contact us. Our dedicated team is ready to answer all your questions and assist you in finding the perfect solution to meet your hospital’s needs.

Lateralidade 30º
Diamond intensive Care - MT 233-1

Bed height Range: from 12 inches (300mm) to 33 inches (830mm)

Registered Device

Registration: 80581990009 Consult Anvisa


Tubular framework made of carbon steel sheets with varying thicknesses, designed to withstand the stresses and nominal load capacity of the product.
50 x 30 x 2.0 mm tubes with 1/4” thick steel sheets.
Bed Base Frame:
50 x 30 x 2.0 mm tubes with 3/8” thick steel sheets.
Metal Bed Structure:
Four articulated sections built with 30 x 20 x 1.2 mm tubes and 3/16” thick steel sheets.

Operating Voltage: 100V to 240V Frequency: 50/60Hz Maximum Current: 3.15A

Bed: Crafted with a combination of wood panels (MDP, MDF, or TS) and thermoplastic components, designed for optimal patient containment and mattress stabilization The bed platform is independently secured to the four articulated sections of the metal frame, ensuring durability and stability. Engineered with exceptional resistance to corrosion, making it ideal for demanding healthcare environments. Withstands over 1,320 hours in the salt spray corrosion test, ensuring exceptional durability and reliability.

Executed through a telescopic mechanical system that enables the linear vertical motion of the motors, facilitating the bed’s elevation with precision and reliability. Bed movements are powered by five motors, offering an adjustable system with six customizable positions.


Fowler Backrest

0º - 77º



Fowler Legs

0º - 23º


0º - -15º

Reverse Trendelenburg

0º - 15º

Lateral Tilt

0º - 29º

Lateral Tilt

0º - -29º

O projeto da Cama Motorizada DIAMOND INTENSIVE CARE de foi desenvolvido dentro dos padrões da norma:

  • Manual CPR (quick-release on both sides of the backrest) and digital functionality.
  • Cardiac Chair.
  • X-ray tray support
  • Abdominal Compression
  • Dual Control on Side Rails
  • Touchscreen display at the footboard.
  • 5 electric motors.
  • Motorized elevation.
  • Motorized movements .
  • Protective side rails with locking mechanism.
  • 6″ single-band caster.
  • Removable bed covering for cleaning.
  • Removable footboard and headboard with an exclusive “Easy Fit” system.
  • Total and directional brake pedals on both sides.
  • Bumper.
  • Bed Extender
  • IV Pole with Height Adjustment
  • Foley Bag Holder
  • 2 Columns.
  • Metallic structure with electrostatic painting.
  • Backrest angle indicators.
  • Angle indicators for Trendelenburg and Reverse Trendelenburg.
  • Liquid Splash Protection IPX4.
  • ACO 79 – Battery.
  • ACO 25 – Oxygen support.
  • ACO 78 – Cyberbed.
  • Diamond Meal Table
  • CPR Board
  • ACO 77 – Bluetooth System.
  • ACO 33 – Fifth Wheel.
  • Matress
  • Honeycomb
  • Viscoelastic
  • ACO 80 – Brake Sensor.
  • ACO 81 – Partial Exit.
  • ACO 82 – Height.
  • ACO 83 – Lowered Siderail.
  • LED Chromotherapy
  • ACO 37 – Footboard.
  • ACO 36 – Full Protection Siderails.

Connected Hospital Bed

Sistema Bluetooth

ACO 77 Sound in one Siderail


ACO 80 Brake, ACO 81 Partial Exit, ACO 82 Height, ACO 83 Lowered Siderail, No sensor

Quinta Roda

ACO 33

Led Cromoterapia

ACO 35 Siderails Escape Route, ACO 36 Siderails Total Protection, ACO 37 Footboard


ACO 75 Footboard, ACO 76 Siderail

Conjunto de Grades

ACO 50 Escape Route, ACO 51 Total Protection

Porta Objetos

ACO 39***


ACO 78

Protetor de Parede

ACO 30

Movimento One Touch

ACO 85 One Touch Movement

Suporte para Oxigênio Diamond

ACO 25


Honeycomb hospital mattress MT-660, Viscoelastic hospital mattress MT-666


ACO 79

Cama Hospitalar de Alta Tecnologia

A cama Diamond Intensive Care é projetada para facilitar o reposicionamento do paciente com mínimas intervenções dos cuidadores, utilizando movimentos automatizados e laterais. Este design ergonômico não só minimiza o esforço físico dos profissionais de saúde, como também reduz o risco de lesões associadas ao manuseio manual dos pacientes.

​​​ (BioMed Central)

Para pacientes com problemas pulmonares complexos, a mobilização frequente e a capacidade de ajustar a posição do corpo são essenciais. A cama permite a elevação do dorso e a inclinação lateral, promovendo uma melhor ventilação e drenagem pulmonar. Estas funcionalidades são fundamentais para prevenir pneumonia e outras complicações respiratórias, acelerando a recuperação​​​​.
A prevenção de úlceras por pressão é uma prioridade em cuidados intensivos, e a cama Diamond Intensive Care contribui significativamente para isso. Movimentos automáticos programáveis permitem redistribuir a pressão de maneira uniforme, prevenindo a formação de lesões. Estudos demonstram que a utilização de camas com movimentação automatizada pode reduzir a incidência de úlceras por pressão em até 50%.

(Wounds UK)​​ (WoundSource)

Além disso, a cama MT 233 apoia eficazmente a fisioterapia, permitindo que os terapeutas ajustem a altura e a inclinação para otimizar os exercícios diretamente no leito. Isso melhora a eficácia das sessões de reabilitação e contribui para uma recuperação menos complicada, beneficiando tanto os pacientes quanto os profissionais de saúde​​.

Além disso, a cama MT 233 apoia eficazmente a fisioterapia, permitindo que os terapeutas ajustem a altura e a inclinação para otimizar os exercícios diretamente no leito. Isso melhora a eficácia das sessões de reabilitação e contribui para uma recuperação menos complicada, beneficiando tanto os pacientes quanto os profissionais de saúde​​.

(Wounds UK)​​ (BMJ)

Cama Hospitalar Elétrica

O CYBERBED é um avançado sistema de monitoramento integrado nas camas hospitalares da Metahospitalar, concebido para otimizar a eficiência operacional e aumentar a segurança dos pacientes. Este sistema é composto por uma série de sensores de última geração que monitoram continuamente diversos parâmetros da cama e do paciente, transmitindo essas informações para um software centralizado.

Cama Hospitalar de Alta Tecnologia

A cama Diamond Intensive Care é projetada para facilitar o reposicionamento do paciente com mínimas intervenções dos cuidadores, utilizando movimentos automatizados e laterais. Este design ergonômico não só minimiza o esforço físico dos profissionais de saúde, como também reduz o risco de lesões associadas ao manuseio manual dos pacientes.

​​​ (BioMed Central)

For patients with complex pulmonary issues, frequent mobilization and the ability to adjust body positioning are essential. The bed allows for back elevation and lateral tilting, promoting better ventilation and pulmonary drainage. These features are crucial in preventing pneumonia and other respiratory complications, accelerating recovery.
Pressure ulcer prevention is a priority in intensive care, and the Diamond Intensive Care bed plays a significant role in this. Programmable automatic movements allow for the even redistribution of pressure, preventing the formation of sores. Studies show that the use of beds with automated movement can reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers by up to 50%.

Additionally, the MT 233 bed effectively supports physiotherapy, allowing therapists to adjust the height and tilt to optimize exercises directly on the bed. This enhances the effectiveness of rehabilitation sessions and contributes to a smoother recovery, benefiting both patients and healthcare professionals. The bed’s height can be adjusted from 16.5 inches (42 cm) to 31.5 inches (80 cm), and the tilt angle offers a range of adjustments for better positioning during therapy.

Additionally, the MT 233 bed effectively supports physiotherapy, allowing therapists to adjust the height and tilt to optimize exercises directly on the bed. This enhances the effectiveness of rehabilitation sessions and contributes to a smoother recovery, benefiting both patients and healthcare professionals. The bed’s height can be adjusted from 16.5 inches (42 cm) to 31.5 inches (80 cm), and the tilt angle offers a range of adjustments for better positioning during therapy.
Cama Hospitalar Elétrica

CYBERBED is an advanced monitoring system integrated into Metahospitalar’s hospital beds, designed to optimize operational efficiency and enhance patient safety. This high-end system utilizes a network of high-precision sensors that continuously track both bed and patient parameters, seamlessly relaying the data to a centralized software platform.